Sánchez al borde del abismo: ¿Se rendirá ante los escandalosos vínculos de su esposa con empresarios corruptos?

(🇺🇸) Pedro Sánchez, presidente del Gobierno español, se encuentra al límite de su carrera política debido a las revelaciones explosivas sobre los turbios negocios de su esposa, Begoña Gómez, con empresarios de dudosa reputación. Ante la apertura de diligencias judiciales contra Gómez por presuntos delitos de tráfico de influencias y corrupción, Sánchez enfrenta una encrucijada … Continuar leyendo Sánchez al borde del abismo: ¿Se rendirá ante los escandalosos vínculos de su esposa con empresarios corruptos?

Sánchez is on the brink: Will he succumb to his wife’s scandalous ties to corrupt businessmen?

(🇪🇦) Spanish government bigwig Pedro Sánchez is teetering on the edge of his political career due to some earth-shattering revelations about his old lady’s shady dealings with some shady businessmen. With the judicial screws turning on his wife, Begoña Gómez, for alleged crimes of influence peddling and corruption, Sánchez finds himself at a crossroads that … Continuar leyendo Sánchez is on the brink: Will he succumb to his wife’s scandalous ties to corrupt businessmen?

Disassembling the Hypocrite Racket: The Social Upside of AI-Generated Porn.

The hullabaloo surrounding the creation of pornographic images by artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hotly debated topic of late. But it’s high time we cut through the hypocritical hullabaloo surrounding this technology and recognize the significant benefits it can offer, even in sensitive cases like pedophilia. First, let’s get one thing straight: it’s not … Continuar leyendo Disassembling the Hypocrite Racket: The Social Upside of AI-Generated Porn.

La crisis del arte: De la expresión genuina a la basura conceptual

El arte siempre ha sido un espejo de la sociedad de la que procede, una ventana abierta a las emociones, ideas y conflictos de su tiempo. Pero, demonios, en la escena del arte contemporáneo actual, estamos viendo una tendencia creciente hacia la especulación y la mierda conceptual. La evolución del arte ha sido un viaje … Continuar leyendo La crisis del arte: De la expresión genuina a la basura conceptual

The Crisis of Art: From Genuine Expression to Conceptual Bullshit

Art has always been a mirror of the society it comes from, a window into the emotions, ideas and conflicts of its time. But, hell, in today’s contemporary art scene, we’re seeing a growing trend towards speculation and conceptual bullshit. The evolution of art has been one hell of a ride, from those badass cave … Continuar leyendo The Crisis of Art: From Genuine Expression to Conceptual Bullshit

Censura despiadada, prolegómeno del exterminio

Esta publicación se ha visto afectada una vez más por ataques tecnológicos pretendiendo taparle la boca. ¿Por qué, si llega a tan poca gente? Porque la verdad debe ser silenciada cueste lo que cueste. Cualquier verdad. Ni en los peores tiempos del franquismo se vio algo parecido, pasada la época inicial de los fusilamientos sumarísimos. … Continuar leyendo Censura despiadada, prolegómeno del exterminio

Truly sound prescription for overcoming this crisis (and every other)

I will give you an easy-to-remember and truly sound prescription for overcoming this and every other crisis facing humanity: «If you are weak, you will gain strength by stripping those you fear of all the prestige they pretend to possess. Such defiance is an element of hope and personal salvation. Indeed, let’s get down to … Continuar leyendo Truly sound prescription for overcoming this crisis (and every other)

Receta básica para combatir toda crisis

Os daré una receta fácil de recordar y con verdadero fundamento para sobrellevar esta y cualquier otra crisis de la humanidad: «Si eres débil, obtendrás fuerza despojando a aquellos a quienes temes de todo el prestigio que pretenden poseer. Tal desafío es un elemento de esperanza y salvación personal”. Efectivamente, vamos a ello: 1. Profesionales … Continuar leyendo Receta básica para combatir toda crisis

Alex Raymond and Flash Gordon (1)

A lot of crap has been written about Alex Raymond’s time in the comics world, but most of it sounds like it’s been regurgitated from some pre-fabricated template. Sure, he’s one of the few bastards to have left a lasting mark on the art form, but there’s more to this guy than the standard narrative … Continuar leyendo Alex Raymond and Flash Gordon (1)

Rehashing the obvious

Here’s the fresh stuff being peddled as the next big thing, promising miracles and goddamn marvels: Graphene. No, not just any graphene, but the scaled-down version – reduced graphene oxide. It comes in the form of nanosheets, nanotubes or quantum dots (G60). They’ve stuffed this shit into all sorts of injectables: vaccines for every damn … Continuar leyendo Rehashing the obvious