Cracks of Freedom for the Subhuman

(🇪🇦) How to be free in a world run by the superior humans who own the big financial, technological and media multinationals.

First, I will qualify myself as a subhuman in relation to the superman who enslaves us. Let’s be fair. We are inferior because they are on top and we have always been on the bottom.

The “extraterrestrials” who run humanity, according to conspiracy theorists, are, in reality, quite terrestrial, although so much superior to humans that they can identify themselves as super-humans much more advanced than us.

The first thing that happens to these super-human elites is that they experience a contempt for the rest of humans similar to the contempt we have for primates or the rest of the animals we lock up in a zoo. But they treat us without our paternalism towards animals. Unlike primates for us, we are their enemies: because we are stupid, yes, but excessive and, therefore, dangerous.

We must read Harari with the few neurons we have that are wide awake. What does he tell us when he talks about the “useless eaters”? Harari is sure that the “useless eaters” will only have resources as long as Artificial Intelligence and robots do not take over the world’s work. This kind of thinking leads to the horrible public policies of eugenics and euthanasia. Harari is not referring to his own elders, to those of his ethnicity, but to those of the subhumans, which is us. And not only to the elderly, but to subhumans without utility, such as the less intelligent or the less physically gifted. When one reads Harari carefully, he seems to be thinking what they themselves have labeled as Nazi discourse. But without the lordship of the real Nazis, who respected all pure ethnicities. That is why they were allies of Arabs and Orientals.

Harari is no one, just a self-overrated egocentric, but he is a disseminator of ideas that the sacred ethnicity has about us, the subhumans. That is why we have to read him carefully, because he transmits us what the leaders of that ethnic group have in store for us.

So, as a subhuman, I ask myself whether I can reject to myself and to you the thesis that a million of us are not worth the life of just one of them.

They have only one Nobel Prize in Literature, Shmuel Yosef Agnon. But we have them too, like Knut Hamsun, a self-confessed Nazi. Or like the Japanese Kazuo Ishiguro (“What Remains of the Day”). Or writers like Murakami, who has not yet won the Nobel Prize because he is too Western, not because he is not of the ethnic group. Or Thomas Mann (Lutheran)… In the literary field I think we stand up for ourselves. That we don’t (quite) deserve so much scorn.

And in the world of pure intelligence? Let’s talk about chess. Israel has 16 players above 2,500 rating. The top ethnic chess player is still Boris Gelfand, born in 1968. He is number 11 in the world in rating. Not bad, because the ethnic group has only 25 million people and the world has 8 billion. However, legends say that among the top ten, there have always been 3 chess players of the sacred ethnicity or with one of their ancestors of the ethnicity. I don’t know if we should ask ourselves the question: Would the ethnicity of players like Kramnik, Anand, Ivanchuck or Carlssen be exterminated by ethnicity? We had better doubt it, just in case.

In the world of science it is difficult to defend ourselves. Because the Jew Einstein has marked Physics to the point of leading it to a dead end. His theory is surely false. But vested interests, especially with regard to the plausibility of the existence of “The Bomb”, which is based on the equation E=mc², make it impossible to get out of that impasse. Engineers know that, if they want their devices to work, they must forget about the Theory of Relativity. Engineers are not of ethnicity, though, in general. Ethnics are not interested in practical things, like electricity or mechanics.

Anyway, there is never really any defense if some lay the axe and others lay the neck.

So, what must we subhumans do to survive the designs of this superior or sacred ethnic group?

First of all, what the rest of the animals do with us humans: run away from them. Learn how dangerous they are and get out of their way.

Secondly, not to place value on that which elevates them above us, such as the money they create from the pure air. We must not crave what it gives us because it enslaves us.

Thirdly, to lead as natural a life as possible. Not to fall into depressions and crises. By the way, the ethnic group is the sector of our society that suffers more crises, depressions and serious mental illnesses, proportionally. There are mental illnesses that only occur in ethnicity, as Sigmund Freud already said in his time. And he was of the ethnic group. He knew what was said.

Fourthly, analyze his movements. To guess his role behind the scenes in every news item. For example: the vaccination plan is his business. Any new disease is a fake. Let us not be frightened. Fear paralyzes the brain. And since we are subhuman, we cannot afford it.

Fifth, doubt everything the media tells us, because it is their property. The media serves them to control their livestock, us.

Sixth, to distrust new technologies because they control all the multinational corporations that invent them. They are the main shareholders of all the successful companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, etc. They all serve their multiple agendas leading to our perhaps deserved extermination. Therefore we must remain incognito, in the middle of the heap, without singling us out. Since they have means of last resort to get rid of the lame flies.

Seventh, never talk about defending ourselves against them, let alone attacking them, because they will call us anti-ethnic and we will go to jail or a dog pit with a bullet hole in our skull. And know that we are being watched every minute of our devalued lives. As the philosopher Voltaire famously said, if you want to know who controls you, look for those you cannot criticize.

Eighth, and most important, be happy. In spite of the danger they represent, which is greater than all the other dangers that beset us, such as traffic, heart attacks, or iatrogenesis. To be happy in relation to other subhumans who are beautiful, good and positive. As long as they exist.

In a display of daring, I will add from my confessed subhumanity something that occurred to me in a state of contemplation of an Italian beauty while drinking an horchata de chufa on the terrace of a bar. The superior man may be superior in intelligence and tenacity. But not in everything. He is not in beauty. He is not in courage. He is not in solidarity. And he is not in numbers. It would be enough for the subhuman to lose respect for the money invented by the superior man, for it to disappear like a hat in a storm. This is what would happen in any madmaxist scenario. So what the superhuman fears most is hyperinflation, which destroys the value of the money he invents every day. And he hoards gold and diamonds like a ferret. Or land. As if that would do them any good in the face of a spontaneous popular revolution.

I hope this article is of some use to you. The main thing is that you accept what you are, don’t get upset. You are subhuman and live by a miracle, at the expense of any decision of your masters. Remember the maxims of the Epicureans or the Cynics.

«Humilitas vitas servat magis quam omnia medicamenta simul. «*



There is nothing to prevent us from assuming that a genetic predisposition favoring intellectual creativity arose and was preserved in the narrow Jewish social circle. This would help to understand why such a small ethnic group has such a proportionately large number of «great creators». However, scientists such as Galileo, Newton, Euler, Darwin, Hilbert, Heisenberg and millions of others were not of Jewish origin. How can a subhuman invent infinitesimal calculus and all the Physics that really works in the world? Mysteries of life.

9 comentarios en “Cracks of Freedom for the Subhuman

  1. petergrafstrm

    Harari is just a front.

    The anglosaxons have been malthusians since the 18th century.

    And they got in from Venice.

    The venetians were controlling the money-lenders as an asset for the higher power they organised and brought to England.

    The task of the sacred ‘ethnicity’ is to be the recipient of the hatred that the imperialists are causing. And the carrot is that they are delegated to handle the finances.

    But not for themselves.

    Instead there is an oligarchic collective that they work for.

    The wars and revolutions have happened because the empire wants to eliminate the competition.

    If the sacred ‘ethicity’ really were an independent power they would want to form mutually rewarding relations with the competitors. Win-win.

    They would have no binding reason to only support the anglosaxons.

    The history of Great Britains role behind the scenes is being hidden in the interest of their emerging angloamerican empire.

    Their control of the heart’s and minds has been very successful.

    1. Oligarchies exist wherever there are exploitable human collectives. As these collectives gather, oligarchies become more and more significant. At a global level, that is, for all of humanity, oligarchies create money, control central banks, oversee leading industries, and the media. These oligarchies belong to the sacred ethnicity, which they also exploit and sacrifice, if necessary, for their planetary dominance.»

      1. petergrafstrm

        That impression is what the anglosaxons and before them the venetians have used to control that sacred ‘ethnicity»= SE

        The method has been freemasonry and the knights of Malta during a most important part of history.

        Since the anglosaxons held the top level in freemasonry during that decisive era they and their partners were able to lie and say the SE was at the top.

        Therefore the anglosaxons could death threaten all the bankers and forbid them to have fruitful relations with Germany Russia and also France.

        This was to an important extent an internal affaire among the freemasons thus not meant for public awareness.

        The anglosaxons only accepted that the bankers aided them to obtain hegemony. There was no place for Win-Win.

        Since the SE had the attractive position in finance this was the carrot. But with the carrot came the wip: Stay faithful to the angloamerican empire or else.

        The concequences were world wars and revolutions. All blamed on the SE.

        The better informed know about the angloamerican establishment described by Carroll Quigley but also by Antony Sutton.

        Both the Skull and Bones and the Pilgrim Society were anglophile groupings and both supported nazism and the bolshevik revolution.

        Further, the British freemasons and christian zionists were the origin of the Israel project before there was any request from the court jews. That happened In the 19th century under Lord Palmerston when he secretely had become the Grand Patriarch who ruled over freemasonry.

        But the anglosaxon kings before Great Britains existed as a concept already referred to themselves as King of Israel. This was long before the SE had been invited back after they were expelled in the 13th century.

        An overwhelming majority of anglosaxons in the altmedia avoid to complicate matters with the full truth. It is up to other people to point it out and not just swallow their biased accounts.

        1. When you speak of ‘the Anglo-Saxons,’ to whom are you referring? Because you are not speaking of a nation, but of a power group, a minority, an oligarchy. Lord Palmerston, for example. Who else? Surely you are also referring to the owners of the Bank of England, which was a creation of Rothschild in 1688, along with their associates Kuhn, Loeb, Lehman, Warburg, as payment for Jewish support in overthrowing James II and seizing power in the kingdom for the new dynasty of William of Orange. Immediately, the issuance of paper currency backed by gold began, which William owed to the guild of Jews who financed him. Can’t you see? It’s always them.

          1. petergrafstrm

            I think you trust Dean Henderson about the Rothschilds in 1688.

            I have encountered statements like


            January 5, 2011 — Dean Henderson

            The Rothschild family combined with the Dutch House of Orange to found Bank of Amsterdam in the early 1600’s as the world’s first private central bank. Prince William of Orange married into the English House of Windsor, taking King James II’s daughter Mary as his bride. The Orange Order Brotherhood, which more recently fomented Northern Ireland Protestant violence, put William III on the English throne where he ruled both Holland and Britain. In 1694 William III teamed up with the Rothschilds to launch the Bank of England.


            But I dont know any reliable source about the Rothschilds being involved.

            However the Larouche circle have said the Venetian oligarchy was transplanted to Holland and England and that they brought their gold after Venice had been nearly crushed in the league of Cambrai in 1508

            And they were behind recruiting William of Orange and the establishment of those banks.

            It may be the case that Dean and many other investigators know there is alot of secrecy about identities of the founders and that he knows they will probably neither deny nor confirm who these people were.

            Dean may argue that by asserting it was the Rothschilds somebody would be provoked to provide more infornation.

            From what I have read, the Rothschilds were able to rise to significance in the banking world in the 18th century after they began to collaborate with a German nobleman and handled his finances and later financed german mercenaries in Britains war against the US.

            The Rothschilds and the other banking families never acted against the anglosaxon empire, even when Germany had better potential after Bismarck reorganised and united Germany. And likewise in the early 20th century Russia had better potential than the anglosaxons.

            But instead of investing the Rothschilds divested from Russia in 1907. Why?

            Because world leader of freemasonry Edward VII threatened them:

            You do as I say or you are not welcome here!

            The bankers were never an independent power no matter how many times the anglosaxons want you to believe it.

            But the anglosaxons dominate all sides. The leftists and the fascists. The islamists.

            They created zionism and convinced the court jews to join. And on the web they often bring up 1897 and 1916, but they usually omit everything that happened before. They mention AIPAC, an off-spring of B’nai B’rit. B’nai B’rit was organised by Palmerston in 1843. But they omit the christian zionist lobby organised by William Blackstone in 1891, 30 years before AIPAC in 1922.

            This doubleplay the anglosaxons are into they probably learned from the venetians. During 1530 to 1714 Britain gradually transformed to an oligarchy, where the king is no longer an autocrat but instead like a venetian Doge. And real power is unelected.

            I saw one academic claiming that oligarchy means just that: An unelected and undeposable elite.

            Webster Tarpley claims that King Alfred the Great in the 9th century was the best king England ever had. And he says Magna Carta in the 13th century wasnt as advertised but a change for the worse where feudal lords became free to easily launch wars to settle acounts.

            While an autocrat would have been able to bring peace to that kind of disorderly context.

            1. Anónimo

              Oligarchy means just that: An unelected and undeposable elite. OK.

  2. We would have a hard time swallowing the fact that scientists could engineer spirits as well as bodies, and that future Dr Frankensteins could therefore create something truly superior to us, something that will look at us as condescendingly as we look at the Neanderthals.


  3. petergrafstrm

    The article in the link is about a college dropout with a pretty face the author says
    is a front for transferring legislation written by the City of London
    The article also contains the following information about the history
    behind the role of the City.

    I dont have any strong opinion about this but since we are interested in how it all began this opinion belongs to that debate.

    The City of London is controlled by the Pilgrims Society who carry on the pagan control of the Rādhānite merchant-bankers of Babylon. “The City of London Co​rporation” was chartered in 1067 after the coronation of William I, William the Conqueror, on Dec. 25, 1066 AD at Westminster Abbey.

    William was Norman (French). The Babylonian Rādhānite (demon-worshipping pagans who claimed to be Jews for more than three millennia) already had an extensive banking and trade network through Europe and Middle East, Scandinavia and Africa to China.

    The ​Rādhānite merchant-bankers were forced to flee Babylon (renamed Baghdad) ahead of the armies of the Muslim Seljuk Turks in 1055 A.D.—just 11 years earlier. They fanned out along their extensive network of merchant-banking trading post across the known world.
    The Babylonian Empire codified debt slavery by sanctioning usury (charging interest on the loan of money) in the Code of Hammurabi (1755–1750 BC). They put fake Jews in charge of these practices.
    While the Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel ca. 600 BC were decrying usury, exiled «Jews» like the Egibi and Marushu banking families, who had so intermixed with Persians that their Jewishness had vanished, were assigned the task of running all aspects of the Babylonian economy, including Silk Road commerce from Britain to China, leveraging Solomon’s Gold, banking, finance, intelligence, propaganda, engineering, agriculture, and trade.

    The Babylonian Empire worshipped demon gods who demanded child sacrifice and debt slavery, including Mammon, Moloch, Asmodeus, Ba’al, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Ishtar, Legion, Leviathan, Lucifer, Mammon, Marduk, Moloch, Pazuzu, Satan, Agrat bat Maḥlat, Alu, Alukah, Asherah, Ashmodai, Astarte, Azazel, Belial or Beliar, Bel-Marduk, Chemosh, Dagon, Deber, Dever, Ekimmu, Gallu, Horon, Ilu Limnu, Keṭeb, Kotar Hosis, Labartu, Labartu, Lamashtu, Lilith, Lilu, Lotape, Mavet, Nahar, Nergal, Ninisina, Pentalpha, Rabisu, Reshef, Resheph, Resheph, Samael, Shachar, Shalem, Shamḥazai, Shedim, Shedim, Tannin, Tiamat, Tirosch, Yoḥane bat Reṭibi, and others.

    ​King Solomon’s 600 wives and 300 concubines eventually lured him into building temples to and worshipping these Babylonian demon gods. This is evidently when the ​Babylonian Rādhānite took full control of Solomon’s Gold that had been carted off to Babylon. Then, shipped to The City of London ca. 1067 AD.



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